RHS offers three methods for BYOD printing, please see the options below.
If you need any support with BYOD printing, please either email or pop into the ICT Support office, located near the Senior School staff room. Please have your device with you.
Mobility Print
Install software so school printers appear as installed printers on your device, allowing you to print any file format from any App.
Windows setup, please click here
Please click here for the Windows help guide.
macOS setup, please click here
Please click here for the macOS help guide.
Chromebook setup, please click here
Please click here for the Chromebook help guide.
When you have sent your file to print, please allow a few minutes for your document to appear on school printers, releasing the print job with your printing ID number.
Web Print
Upload PDF, Word, Excel or PowerPoint files via a website to school printers.
Log into with your school account (only accessible onsite when connected to the GDST-Guests Wi-Fi) to upload files to school printers.
Documents sent via Web Print are set as double sided, this cannot be changed.
Larger files will take longer to upload. If the file is too large it will be rejected, you will be informed onscreen if this happens. Please use Mobility Print or log into a school computer to print large files.
When you have submitted your file, please allow a few minutes for your document to appear on school printers, releasing the print job with your printing ID number.
Email to Print
Email PDF, Word, Excel or PowerPoint as file attachments to school printers.
From your school email address, attach a PDF, Word, Excel or PowerPoint file to an email to the following email address:
For black and white print jobs please email
For colour print jobs please email
You can access your school emails from
Please ensure the file is no bigger than 50MB. Your email will take longer to send the larger the file is. If you do have a large file, please use Mobility Print, or log into a school computer and print from there. Users who continually email large files via Email to Print will be contacted by ICT Support.
Documents sent via Email to Print are set as double sided, this cannot be changed.
When you have sent your email, please allow a few minutes for your document to appear on school printers, releasing the print job with your printing ID number.
Printing credit
You are assigned £20 printing credit each term, you will be emailed when your balance reaches £1. When you run out of printing credit you will not be able to print, please contact ICT Support by emailing to get your balance topped up.
If you have any questions please contact ICT support or pop into the ICT Support office by the Senior School staff room.
Releasing your print jobs
Go up to your chosen copier and swipe your school ID card on the card reader. On your first go at swiping your school ID card, you will be asked to enter your school computer username and password. This will link your school printing account to your school ID card. From then on, you'll be able to quickly log into the school copiers by swiping your school ID card.
Once logged into a school copier, there is an option labelled Release. Select this to see your submitted print jobs and print them.
When signed into a printer you can also scan documents to your school email address. Please view the video below for a brief demonstration of how our printers work.
Please see below a help video for how to use Web Print. Skip to 1 minute 17 seconds to watch the relevant information.